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Text (42)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BetterRotateMoveApplet.java Text File 13 209b 2000-09-08
betterrotatemoveavatar.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 333b 2000-09-08
BetterRotateMovePanel.java Text File 132 3KB 2000-09-08
rgb_cube.S3D Text File 61 1KB 2000-06-28
rotate.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 305b 2000-06-28
RotateApplet.java Text File 13 189b 2000-06-28
rotateHPR.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 311b 2000-06-28
RotateHPRApplet.java Text File 13 195b 2000-06-28
RotateHPRPanel.java Text File 124 3KB 2000-06-28
rotatemove.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 315b 2000-06-30
rotatemove.S3D Text File 82 2KB 2000-06-30
RotateMoveApplet.java Text File 13 197b 2000-06-30
rotatemoveavatar.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 327b 2000-07-03
rotatemoveavatar.S3D Text File 452 10KB 2000-06-30
rotatemovecam.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 321b 2000-06-30
rotatemovecam.S3D Text File 452 10KB 2000-06-30
rotatemovenull.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 323b 2000-07-01
rotatemovenull.S3D Text File 423 10KB 2000-07-03
RotateMovePanel.java Text File 129 2KB 2000-07-01
rotatemoveviewpoint.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 342b 2000-07-03
rotatemoveviewpoint.S3D Text File 417 10KB 2000-07-03
RotateMoveViewpointApplet.java Text File 13 215b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveViewpointPanel.java Text File 128 3KB 2000-07-03
rotatemovezoom.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 332b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomApplet.java Text File 13 205b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomPanel.java Text File 127 3KB 2000-07-03
rotatemovezoomplus.html Hypertext Markup Language File 23 432b 2000-09-08
RotateMoveZoomPlusApplet.java Text File 13 213b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomPlusPanel.java Text File 140 3KB 2000-09-08
RotatePanel.java Text File 101 2KB 2000-06-29
TemplateApplet.java Text File 13 193b 2000-05-18
TemplatePanel.java Text File 75 1KB 2000-05-23
translate.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 312b 2000-06-26
translate.wrl Text File 36 559b 2000-06-26
TranslateApplet.java Text File 13 195b 2000-06-26
TranslatePanel.java Text File 84 2KB 2000-06-26
translateXY.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 314b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYApplet.java Text File 13 199b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYPanel.java Text File 91 2KB 2000-06-27
translateXYZ.html Hypertext Markup Language File 19 315b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYZApplet.java Text File 13 201b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYZPanel.java Text File 108 2KB 2000-06-27

Other Files (20)
BetterRotateMoveApplet.class Java Class File 468b 2000-09-08
BetterRotateMovePanel.class Java Class File 3KB 2000-09-08
RotateApplet.class Java Class File 438b 2000-06-28
RotateHPRApplet.class Java Class File 447b 2000-06-28
RotateHPRPanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-06-28
RotateMoveApplet.class Java Class File 450b 2000-06-30
RotateMovePanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-07-01
RotateMoveViewpointApplet.class Java Class File 477b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveViewpointPanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomApplet.class Java Class File 462b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomPanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomPlusApplet.class Java Class File 474b 2000-07-03
RotateMoveZoomPlusPanel.class Java Class File 3KB 2000-07-03
RotatePanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-06-28
TranslateApplet.class Java Class File 447b 2000-06-26
TranslatePanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-06-26
TranslateXYApplet.class Java Class File 453b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYPanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-06-27
TranslateXYZApplet.class Java Class File 456b 2000-06-27
TranslateXYZPanel.class Java Class File 2KB 2000-06-27